Understanding Your Grief

If you are grieving, or know someone who is, Franciscan Healthcare would like to invite you to attend this fall's grief support group.
The program, “Understanding Your Grief,” will be held each Monday beginning October 2 and concluding November 20. Designed by Dr. Alan Wolfelt, one of North America’s leading death educators and grief counselors, this program will cover topics such as Introduction to Grief and Mourning, Dispelling Misconceptions About Grief, Understanding the Concept of Touchstones, Understanding the Six Needs of Mourning, and Seeking Reconciliation Not Resolution. Leading this program will be Franciscan Healthcare Chaplain Thomas Manhart. There is NO COST to attend. Meetings will be held from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. in the hospital’s Bonaventure Room on the 2nd Floor. Watch for directional signs.
To register, or if you have any questions about this program, please contact Chaplain Tom at 402.372.6708.