What is Swing Bed?
Swing Bed is a service that allows a patient to transition from acute care to Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) care. This allows a patient to continue receiving services in the hospital even though acute care is no longer required. Typically, this may be after a surgery, injury or illness.
Rehabilitation Services
Our rehabilitation services include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and respiratory therapy. These therapies are designed to restore functional abilities and improve quality of life to those with physical impairments or disabilities. Patients who have had joint surgery, amputations, suffered farm injuries, motor vehicle accidents, cardiac procedures, lung surgery, strokes, and patients who have a complex wound or other debilitating conditions can benefit from rehabilitation services prior to going home or to the next level of care.
Skilled Nursing
Skilled nursing is non-acute care and can include treatments such as long-term IV antibiotic infusions, IV nutrition, enteral nutrition, IV administration of medications to manage pain and related symptoms, as well as sterile or complex dressing changes. Skilled nursing care compliments rehabilitation services and is crucial after a major surgery or illness to restore abilities.
The Swing Bed Team is Working Together for You
Family Practice Specialists - Provides medical orders and direction for the team.
Rehabilitation Specialists - Work together as a team to restore strength, balance, and other functions that promote independence and improve quality of life.
Registered Nurses - Provide safe, knowledgeable, and professional medical and personal care.
Registered Pharmacists - Work with Providers to ensure medication safety and drug education.
Registered Dietitian - Promotes a healthy lifestyle and recovery through nutrition.
Mental Health Provider - Provide treatment and support to enhance mental and physical health.
Social Worker - Provides psychological and emotional support and resources for financial concerns.
RN Care Coordinator/Discharge Planner - Coordinates swing bed/skilled care admissions. Assists in planning for safe discharge.
Transition of Care Management RN - Provides support upon discharge through a series of follow-up phone calls.
Chaplain - Provides spiritual guidance and patient/ family support.
For more information about Swing Bed, please call Skilled Care Coordinator Diane Persson at 402.372.2404, option 1.